Mon 27 Jan
⏠⎠ * A * S * I * A * N * * * H * E * A * V * E * N * ⏠⎠ - 23
(Orange County, ★ Near Fountain Valley, Westminst,)
A Flirty Sweetheart for Your VIP Taste! - 19
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, In the city)
2 girl specials Where very flexible And freaky Call us now if your ready to play - 22
(Memphis, call us now)
Your favorite Hawaiian Princess is Back Hot & Ready to Play!!! In/Out Call Specials. - 22
(Little Rock, Little Rock,)
*:.★.: *:.★.: YOUR NEW ADDICTION *:.★.: *:.★.: 60 special HURRY - 23
m0isT muFFin SpeCiaLs ((60qk)) ____EarLy ____ BiRd ____ GeTs ____ ThE ____ GirL ____ ((60qk))
(405freeway LAX incalls allnite)
8O/12O/2OO Specials : : ✘✘✘ ⭐️ jUiCy B00ty⭐️ ✘✘✘ : : ⭐️ EXTREMELY HOt ⭐️ : : ( (BiTE SiZE) ) BRUNEt - 22
(Anaheim, Disney/5fwy/OC, Orange County)
8Ohhr ((( ✰ ThE STaR oF YoUR xXx ASS FanTaSieS! ✰))) 8Ohhr - 21
[{ 8O haLf hOuR sPeCiaL }] ::* DR!P!NG WT & RADY TO §AT!SF!Y *:*:: [{ KINKY CUrVy GFE }] - 21
(Costa Mesa/ 405 Frwy)
(80)Freaky Friday Fanta-C Fukk GFEStyle With a Emerald Eyed Blonde & All Natural DD's - 19
You Deserve to Relax & Release...It's time to experience Holly Jayde! - 40
(Little Rock, West Little Rock)
!! * * A L w a Y s * ! * a M A z i n G * ! * A l w A y s * ! * A M a z I N G * * !! - 99
Hi Gentlemens , iam Brianna , 22 Y/o . Beautifull Brunette , OUTCALL ONLY - 22
(Brooklyn, park slope, williamsburg, downtown)
What are you waiting for... blonde knockout🌹😘*OnE CaLL aWay* - 25
(Little Rock, LR,Hot Springs,Benton,etc outcall)
8O SpecIaLs _____((( ✰ The BrUnetTe TREAT oF YoUR FanTaSieS! ✰))) _____ - - 22
Upscale — ;— Fun— ;— OpenMinded — ; — Erotic — - 23
(Hot Springs / Hot Springs Village, hot springs /village /all sur)
🍎🍊🍏🍎🍊🍏🍎🍊🍏🍎🍊🍏🍎🍊🍏🍎🍊🍏GRAND OPENING🍒🍎🍒 NEW STAFFS🍎🍊🍎🍊🍎🍊🍎🍊🍎🍊🍎🍊🍎H&S-; SPA - 21
(Astoria, Astoria Phonel: 917-889-1391, Bronx, Brooklyn, Flushing, Jamaica, Long Island City, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, Ozone Park, Queens, Ridgewood, Woodside)
HOt Blonde -- Ready . ... I like it on a spoon or on my Lips!! (-) - 19
(45 South and Dixie Farm Rd.)
80 spc well reviewed 80* Dominican V I X E N * 80 big @$$ bOOty80 - 21
(80 spc 80 spc 80 spc 80 spc 80 spc 80spc)
Weekend $pecial!!! (¯`v´¯)-» 1ST ✈ CLASS ✈ ✈TO ✈ PLEASURE »-(¯`v´¯)- - 22
(Little Rock, Airport, Downtown, Surrounding Areas)
LA LiSA incall SPECiALS EXoTiC patite LATiN TREAT! satisfy ur SWEET tOOth! - 22
(Bronx, Boston rd incalls BX outcalls)
〓〓☆ ★ ☎(714)605-7611 〓〓〓 ❤❤12Pm to 3Am❤☆ ▂▃▅▆▇▂▃▅▆▇ ▂▃▅▆▇ ██████ VIP █████ ▇▆▅▃▂ ▇▆▅▃▂ ▇▆▅▃▂ ♥♥ ♥♥ - - 23
(Orange County, 1661 west Broadway #10 anaheim ca 92802)
White, Blonde, Blue Eyes, 6ft, 145lbs, Fit, Tanned & Real: WLR Cabot Conway Bryant Benton Hot Spring - 33
(Little Rock, WLR Cabot Conway Bryant Benton Hot Sprin)
A Blonde Christmas present you will love un wraping Tonight Cristine 5' 107 Green eyes 626-344-2961 - 20
(Newport/Orange Anaheim hills)
!(¯`xXx´¯) »*°S W EE T *° E X o T i C °*TR e a T» 100% me (¯`xXx´¯) AvAiLaBlE nOw!!! - 23
(Dreamin' All Over! ** CENTRAL, Arkansas!)
$60 Nigerian Princess ...$lap It ... Fl!p It ... Rub D%wn ... Royal Treatment :) $60 - 24
(Memphis, 240/popular ave/east memphis)
~~~~ $80 n call specials ~~~~ slippery when !! ~~~~ available now - 22
(Orange County, costa mesa / (( *brunette kitten* )))
YES I'm Miss Rite an all the rite places join me now not getting whats needed at home A plus waiting - 26
(Little Rock, incalls/out upscale only hot springs /Lr)
💋💋💋7/21 arrived 2girls young sexy friedly Asian Best service don't miss 💋💋4158024626 - 20
(5 fwy, ,Anaheim,Santa Ana ,Fullerton,Or, Anaheim, Orange, Orange County)
909.999.4802💍👡5 BabyDolls Latinas🔮🔮🔮🔮 Hot & Ready EROTIC PLAYFUL TIMES 🔮🔮🔮🔮 Real Pictures - 25
(Anaheim, Orange County, Riverside/Corona/EastVale/LakeElsinore/)
💋8O EarlyBird Specials 💋 Leaving @ 3 PM 💋▃ ▆ ♡ __TRIPLE D Cups__ Hottie ♡ Fullerton / Anaheim 💋 - 22
(Fullerton, Fullerton --Placentia Anaheim)
(80)Tip Tug Twat Tuesdays GFESTYLE With KristenTER I.D. 145421 - 19
(NoHo/Universal City/StudioCity)
❤️💋 YES❗️CaSeY is in LiTtLe RoCk❗️HoT BuStY BLonDe 💋💋OuTsTaNDiNg ReViEwS❗️❗️E.C. & P4 & VeRiFiEd - 40
(Little Rock, 💋 💋💋💋Little Rock, NLR ToDaY IN & OUT ❗️❗)
75$ DAMN !!! _Big Booty -Busty Beauty _ 75$ * SpeciaL Right NOW * 75$ * - 24
(Orange County, 91 & 5 Frwy (Magnolia))
~~~~~~~~~~~~» UP @ll N!Ght Ju$% 4 U outcalls to u - 24
(Little Rock, out calls lil rock to hot springs)
LAST DAY IN TOWN!!!!! 🗽🗽💋💋COME have FUN with a SNOWBUNNY👌👯😘DON'T MISS OUT✔✔💦💦💫💫⤵⤵⤵ - 22
(Bronx, E241st & White Plains Bronx)