Mon 27 Jan
$ START A NEW CAREER BECOME AN ESCORT $$$$ You can solve all your financial problems making money - 21
HOT performers needed for busy live webcam site! - 30
(Akron/Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton)
💥MoUtHwAtEriNg 👅👌SkiLLs... Freaky By NaTuRe🍎 - - 19
(McFarland skyland northport cottondale, Tuscaloosa)
KATIE available All day!! In call only! 😉😗 don't miss out of this Beach Bunny from PCB 👄👑 - 23
(Dothan, Tuscaloosa)
~•~ Visiting • 100% Thik ~•~ Mixed ~•~ German ~•~ BomBSheLL • Specials • 2days - 20
(Tuscaloosa, Mcfarland incall)
( 8o-Spec!als ) UnToUcHaBLe MoUTh SkiLLs *CLiCk 2 FiNd Out*?* BiGG BooBs *FeTiShEs & ToY PLaY* - 21
(Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa ( Incall Only ))
♥♡♥♡..♥♡♥♡.. SeXy SnOw ♥♡♥♡..♥♡♥♡.. PhAt AzzZZ ♥♡♥♡..♥♡♥♡.. OutCallZ onLy♥♡♥♡.. ♥♡♥♡.. azzzz ♥♡♥♡. - 25
(Tuscaloosa, T~town)
Best Body Massage everything you want
(Auburn, Birmingham, Dothan, Gadsden, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Muscle Shoals, Tuscaloosa, 1)
80 InCall Sp🚨💣🚨Brunette🚨💣🚨 Bombshell 🚨💣🚨❶ Choice•●☆ - 21
(Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa And Surrounding Areas)
💜40 roses special 💜 Seductive 💋💋 Gorgeous 💜💜~~Ebony Princess Miss Cupcake 💋💋🏆🏆💋 - 22
(Tuscaloosa, 💋👑 Skyland blvd💋👑 in&outcalls;)
°•£•° 1000% Real All Natural InDian Mixed Beauty*°•°•° Slim Goodie Delight°•°•° Oh so Kinky Freaky - 25
Ms.Juicy lips.....MAKE ME GET DOWN ON MY KNESS......... ORANGEBURG 803 - 28
(Columbia, orangeburg 29115)
Your BEST Friend w/ "Benefits" (803)221-0431 ★READY NOW★ Upscale Companion for Upscale Gentlemen™ - 24
(Columbia, Northeast Columbia)
Sweetheart with an Edge that is Sexy and Delightfully Uninhibited!
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
SLiPPERY DRiPPERY PeTiTe bOOtiE fReaK-> after 1am 25-30 late specials!! - 23
(Columbia, TwO nOtCh rD-iNCALLs OnLY)
$$New $$ Extremly $ Sexy$$ Pez $ Hottie Very Addictive $ Come Into My Freaky World 50$ Spec - 22
(Columbia, two notch)
IN/OUTCALL specials Sexy LATINA u don't want to miss - 23
(Madison, OUTCALL SPECIALS. Don't miss the best)
KINKY GIRL is Sure to Satisfy Your Fantasies - 19
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau)
It,s Saturday, lets have some fun Older Gentleman get a discount special - 27
(Madison, west side madison)
💋Im back ❤My DDs and Blue eyes will leave you wanting more! - 23
(Madison, EAST Madison & Surrounding)
Leaving DT Madison July 31st, $100, Catch me B4 I go! Verified & Safe! Location with a shower & A/C - 32
LEGGY ... BLONDE .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1..HR...$140..TIL 3! - 43
(Madison, eastside)
♥Let Beautiful DREAM Take You TO A Place Like NO Other!! - 23
(Madison, middleton / Madison out calls)
♥ § i M p L y ♥ § T u N N i N g (E)(L)(I)(T)(E) (-ViXxXeN-) °Visiting 5/24-5/26!!! - 22
(Madison Incall)