Mon 27 Jan
:*: * So :*: * N@ughty :*: * But :*: * So :*: * Sweet :*: * $60 Specials :*: - 25
(West Valley, 83 AVE/ INDAIN SCHOOL RD)
xoxo ♥ ~*~ Petite Hazel Eyed Hottie with Perfect Booty ~*~ ♥ xoxo - 29
(North Jersey, north jersey - willowbrook area)
(:♥ Slow & Relaxing Satisfaction is a MUST! *REAL Little Hottie ♥:) 100hh IC OC Special All Nite - 23
(Central/South Phoenix, IC: 17 & Camelback +Outcall UR Place)
SPECIAL****40qv 60hh 120hr****Available All Morning Long!!!!!!! Located Near The Airport!!!!!!! - 20
(Greensboro, airport area)
simply sexy exotic playmate ready to fullfill your every needs
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem)
~~~SeXy ~ SpArkLInG ~ SATINE™ AKA LaNa ~~Burlington Today!!! - 28
(Greensboro, Burlington/Greensboro)
*¨¨* ★*LeT Me Be YoUr NeW YeArS fAnTaSy!!*¨¨* ★*¨¨* SpEcIaLs AlLnIgHt!!! - 28
💎 👸🏼☆S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! 💎Upscαℓε💎SWEET & DISCREET 🎀 👑ReAdY NoW👑 🎀 - - 39 - 39
(Greensboro, Your place or mine INCALLS & OUTCALLS)
***** Some * Things * Are - - - - - - Priceless ***** (For Everything Else There's Mastercard) - 35
SkinSurfer Esthetics | Serving Central North Carolina - 47
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wake Durham Johnston Orange County, Wilmington, Winston / Salem)
Skilled Lips 💋 Wont Slip ! Come See The Ultimate Freak ! - 24
(Greensboro, high point rd 😍Available✔㏂-✔㏘)
{Sexy and yet satisfying } Come see for yourself! 40,65,120 - 33
(Greensboro, Greensboros.elm Eugene)
Sexy & Sensual BiRacial GFE-MILF ~ New Rates ~ Classy Reviewed Independent~ - 40
(Greensboro In or Outcall)
See ME... ... I'll Be Home for Christmas... but Not for Long... 50/70/125 InCalls - 36
(Greensboro, GSO InCalls 50/70/125...OutCalls 80/150)
SBR: Zoe Valenta 1st Time in Gso 1 DAY ONLY Petite Busty Dominican Bombshell w/ Playboy Bunny Body!! - 24
SEDUCTIVE -:¦:- HOTT === -:$50.00¦:- MIXED KNOCKOUT === **-:¦:-** SEXY **-:¦:- FUN - 22
(Greensboro, Special $50$ All Day and Night Long)
ROCK Your WORLD and Your Wildest Dreams Come True!
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Outer Banks, Raleigh / Durham, Wilmington, Winston / Salem, In your arms ;))
*~* SKYLIN HAZE *~* Its So Cold!!! Come Warm me Up!!! - 26
(Greensboro, greensboro, winston salem, high point)
Come Try Something Different ... CHOCOLATE DELIGHT - 19
(Greensboro, Winston / Salem, high point rd)
Early Bird Specials With The One & Only P E T I T E Robin Hall👯 - 20
(Greensboro, Greensboro incalls)
Double Your Pleasure Double Your Fun with Real Girl and Hot White TS!! in SALISBURY off 85 - 28
(Greensboro, SALISBURY)
Discreet, Reliable and Always on time! Call for Wilmington NC's Best Escorts! - 23
(Wilmington, Wilmington/Wrightsvile Beach)
💋💋💋CIERRA💋💋💋⛳GOLFERS WELCOME💯REAL ME💧avail.24/7🛁clean,dont watch⏰!lm your little secret b - 24
(Greensboro, myrtle beach sc)
diamonds are forever just like the memory you'll get from time with me - 20
(Greensboro, high poinT)
Aliana *******I Know You Remeber What This Good Good Is About ! ******* - 23
(Greensboro In and outcalls)
💋 DANGEROUSLY CURVY 💋 Gorgeous Blonde 💄 1OO%Sweetℜ ❤️ Upscale companion💋 - 21
(Greensboro, Greensboro and surrounding areas)
~*SExY*~ MiXED BEauTy!! ALL NiGhT FRoM duSK TiLL DaWN ;) dont miss time only - 22
🍭🍬Come enjoy a sweet treat ! 😍💋💞 Limited time, CAll NOW 📞📲 - 19
(Greensboro, 68 exit 210 by airport)
Mz.Denver is back...Elegant irish blonde w/ killer curves exciting time call now! - 19
(Phx North, n. Phx)
$\CC. TheRealDeal!!! CumSeeMe in W/S *Ravishing Rachael Myles* "Highly Reviewed!" *937-301-5269* - 47
(Greensboro, W/S Residence INCALL Only)
CanDy Truckers Special ...[[You Must Send Picture]] - 24
(Greensboro, In CAll ....OutCall all triad)
CLICK👉 HERE!👀AmAzInG👀jUiCy BoOtY💦•We lOvE it all •❤•❤•JuST LikE U wAnt it •❤•🍭👅🔥Up all night! - 25
(Greensboro, Greensboro Tonight)
Need Some DISCRETE TLC?allow ME 2b the lucky girl who pleasures u!!!! n sexy fun?? - 26
(Central/South Phoenix, O/C, Phoenix, Phx North, West Valley)
★DING!! ★DING!! ★ DING!! KNOCK OUT ♥ I Do IT bEtTeR ★80SPECIAL ★ cOmE pLaY wItH mE ★ - 26
(Greensboro, GrEeNsBoRo InCaLl OnLy)
❤▐ ► ❤_ CUSTOMER ▐❤▐ ► ❤_ CHOiCE ▐❤▐ ► ❤_ PiCK▐❤▐ ► ❤_ YOUR▐❤▐ ► ❤_ FAVORiTE ▐❤▐ ► ❤_ GiRL▐ ❤▐ ► - 21
(Greensboro, Greensboro Nc)