Tue 21 Jan
💟💟💟💟New Hot PICS & VIDEO!★ Sexy Blonde BIG BOOTY COUGAR ★MS MIRANDA★ $80 Special💟💟 - 35
(Denver, Thornton, Thornton North Denver)
☺☺☺GØØd To ThE LaSt DrOp!☺☺☺ Best UnRuSheD 50$ Specials - 20
(Detroit, West Chicago Redford Incalls Only)
ASIAN 💗 G——O——R ——G——E ——O——U—— S——H——O——T ——T ——I ——E 💗 SEXY - 22
^^^^^^^^^ New Asian Girl Busty &&& Japanese Yoyo &&&&&&&& Outcall Only 720-226-9405 ^^^^^^^^^ - 20
(Denver, Outcall Only)
$60 SPECIAL!!!! all night!!!! CANDY LAND! - 646-831-4274 text 1st - 23
~~**~~ COME In Out Of The COLD AND Let Me WARM YOU "UP"!!! ~~ "HOT" $ 90.00 SPECIAL!! ~~**~~
(North~~**AFFORDABLE & FUN**~~)
2 Girl $pecial for the night..Come play with Us. Call NOW (646) 345-6293 - 27
(Bronx, 2291 New England ThruWay, Bronx NY)
There's No Need To Rush Seductive Fetish And Trucker Friendly Out Calls Available - 23
(Columbia, Harbison/ Piney Grove/ Greystone)
☁ º ☀ ,¸¸,¤º*___ L✪ ✪K ___ AUTUMN'S ___HERE ☁ º ☀,¸¸,¤ º* - 21
~ IT'S SOOO !!!!! ~ *** Hot Slender Red w/ 34d's*** Avail. ALL NIGHT - 27
(Denver, I-25 & county Line)
💋BBW LADY LONDON💋$30~Top Special 😍2 Gurl Special $80😍~ Fetish Friendly👀 - 24
(Detroit, 8 mile & Gratiot! INCALL ONLY!)
Thick🍎 Apple Bottom Freak★ ★🌟 special🌟★Available Now - 24
(Arboretum, Austin, Downtown, N.Austin 183/Mopac)
You're scared of this pussy!!!STOP DROOLING and CUMM GeT It NOW...SCARY CATT****** New to Town****** - 20
(I-20east Decatur (Incall specials 24/7)))
Tick Tock.. Orgasims Pop..Let me taste that lollipop BBW Janelle leaving Friday Night $100 1/2 - 22
(Austin, Ih35 & Hwy290)
LØØK •••►100% R€AL SʉP€R S€xY _WH!T€ G!RL•••► *P€T!T€* ●❣● _T_H_!_G_H_T_ ◄••• SP€CA!LS__ - 22 - 22
(Columbia, Garners ferry in/out surrounding areas)
THURSDAY'S Ultimate Pleasure LOVES 2 Kiss & Cuddle! VISITING 4 Short Time MUST See!!! - 21
(Austin, south near ben white)
🏆Your Ultimate Fun Girls🏆 Two Girl SPECIAL 💞Come enjoy a great personalities - 19
(Atlanta, Marrietta, Otp North)
☆TEMPLE-l☆Bored, Lonely? Text me, lets hang out!-☆☆Thick, Sexy, Juicy, BBW♢TEMPLE♢, AvailNOW! 421.6 - 34
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, *TEMPLE*)
Tantra Guide to Pleasure Sensuous Sessions: Men Women Couples Amrita Devi 4/27-30 5/2-5 - 39
(Austin, Austin - 4/28-30 5/2--5)
Sunday ((Blonde Busty Babe)) #60/#80 specialty Mix wht & Italiana - 25
(Austin, central area Private home IN/0ut)
EvErYbOdY's WiSh**EvErY hUsBaNdS sEcReT**eVeRy MaNs FaNtAsY.. 50ChOcOlAtE sPeCiAl.. No TiMe LiMiT - 22
**** GIGANTIC CANTELOPE BOOBs 36"DDs- STAND_Out BOOTY Super Cute Face 80 special!!! - - 22
(Columbia, pineygrove rd)
Specials All NIGHT 🎀*Sexy Caramel *🎀 💎 LACY 🍫💄👠 💋Call ME Now 💋 - 22
(Austin, South, South Austin 35 & Ben White)
SPECIALS!! Now til MidNight . . .WhAM Bam* ThE EnErGiZeR BuNnY & pLaYbOy BuNnY CoLLidE !! **. - 39
(Austin, S Austin Incall 2 Girl Special!)
50 SS CRAZY New Year Specials • Real Pics Or Its FREE 🌟✨👄💦👅 - 21
(Detroit, 14 mile and 75 Madison heights)
come oil of olay on me!mS. COCOA wILL dO wHATEVER tHEY won't THICK LOVELY 44EEE NEW with 50 specialz - 20
(Columbia, incalls at my fetish pad on two notch rd)
$$ DA BEST @ IT $$$ »»» Dont MiSs $$$ THICK $€XY Red BONE ~ Ready Now - 25
×°x°× ★.o°* Mzz. PiE-Let's HAv3 FUN!!--$60 Donation Special- * °o. ★×°x°×. - - 25
(Atlanta, CLAiRMONT RD Between 85 & BUFORD HWY)
***WILD SEXY GROWN && SEDUCTIVE 38JJJ Boobs ! Let Me Rock Your World !**** - 27
(Camp Creek Pkwy./Airport Area)
'Smile... it's the second best thing to do with your lips **BBW JANELLE - 21
(Austin, Airport & 53rd)
~ *•♛•* *:•.♥ ;•:*¨¨*:• : WiiLL LeAVe YOU SPeeCHLeSS •:*¨¨*:•. ♥•:*¨ *•♛•* - 23
Moving special. Feel the erotic sensation. Skilled in the art of Sensual stimulation. well reviewed - 32
(I-35 between 290/183 by Highland Mall)
👸ChiNa💋 📲409-665-1392📲ThiCk ThiGhs💄SeXy EyEs 💋PAWG * FaT*@$$ *en espanol - 26
(Columbia, Two NoTch Rd, CoLuMbIa)
(¯`•☆•`¯) sExY-:¦:-LaTiNa -:¦:- BBW MaGiC-:¦:- (¯`•☆•`¯) 38DD'S $80 dllSpEcIaLs - 32
(¯`•☆•`¯) sExY-:¦:-LaTiNa -:¦:- BBW MaGiC-:¦:- (¯`•☆•`¯) 38DD'S - 32
YES! I HAVE been a BAD girl .... SPANK you very much! Body Worship Sunday... hallalujah! - 31
(I-25 & 84th)
💠🌼sExY, BLoNdE, bUsTy BBW! DONT miss out! TRUE SKILLS ✪✫★✮✭5 StAr ExPeRiNcE! 💋 - 19
(Austin, capital plaza)
Seeking Friends. Intro rates. Unrushed, sensual, relaxing GFE companionship. well reviewed - 32
(Off I-35 between 290 & 183)
☎ Visiting AVAIL NOW incall ☎ REAL Adult Film Star NEESE HONEY DIP Freaky 42DDD & Big Butt . - 30
(Atlanta, STOCKBRIDGE Incall only)
{Saturday Satisfaction I am Busty & Lusty!} ~ Natural DDD's~ ( 512)662-7011 - 43
(Austin, Incall North / Safe & Private *24/7*)
____♡ ____ (( G O O D ♀ GIRL with N A U G H T Y ☿ HABITS )) __ SPECIAL -- 75 - 29
(I25 @ Colorado Incalls & Outcalls)
☠ W_A_R_N_I_N_G ☠ ________ E_X_T_R_ E_M_E_L_Y ________ A_D_D_I_ C_T_I_V_E - - - - - - 22
RiSe && sHiNe MoRiNg sPeCiAls! fEeLiNg NaUgGtY! So LeTs pLaY! 😘💋💋BLONDE BBW - 19
(Austin, Central Austin)