Mon 27 Jan
♥~♥Super Petite & Pretty Asian May available in Oxnard! ♥~♥ Don't Miss out!!! - 24
(Oxnard/Camarillo/Ventura, Ventura)
Soy Nueva a Ventura la mejor jóven para hombres Mexicanos - 18
(Ventura, Ventura Oxnard Camarillo Thousand Oaks)
I LOVE to hear you say !! WOW !! HOt brunette awaiting you. HONeY @ 8323434169 $ 60 $pecial - 24
TaKe A TrIp To PaRaDiSe * FiliPiNa BEAUTY WiTh A BOoTy* 6/0SpEcIAL ALL NiTe - 25
(Ventura, camarillo incalls and outcalls)
______ ________BuBBLy BLonDE wHo'S BeaUTiFUL, VeRy bUsTy, & EXxXTrEmELy wELL RevIEveD - 25
Southern HOTTIE Your New Addiction~Sweet Blonde With Amazing Skills - 26
(Ventura, Ventura IN&Outcalls2; Surrounding Area)
Sexy&New; in town* Specials * (AVAILABLE NOW) 2 girls 2 girls - 24
█ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂★S★ E☆ X★Y ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇★S ☆ T ★ A ☆ R★▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂M★O☆ N ★ I☆ Q ★U☆E★▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ - 21
(Ventura, Ventura Beaches/Oxnard Incall)
Specials»» ❤ LooK!! »» ToTaL PaCKaGe »» .... SweeT ... FuN »»❤ - 20
(ventura/101 fwy)
sLiPpErY wEn MuJaDo!! bLoNdE hAiReD, LoNg lEgGed LaTiNa AnD wHiTe HuErItA!!!! $100 SpC HaBlA eSpAnOl - 20
(Ventura, OxNaRd, VeNtUrA, cAmArIlLo, EtC.....)
SeXy * PeTiTe *BloNde * BoMbShEll °*80°* SpEcIaLs * NoW AvAiLaBle!!!! - 37
(Ventura, Ventura incall)
✨👄💫№➊ SeXy BrUneTTe🍯🌟BuSTy BoMbShell💣 🔥Pretty Face💋✦❣ 💯% ➜RARE💦 【HIGHLY SKILLED 👄💦🌟🍭🍯 - 25
(Ventura, ⚫CaMaRiLLo ▬Incalls Available💚💜💛)
(¯`'+ ** I AM ** + '´¯)(¯`'+ ABSOLUTELY + '´¯)(¯`.¸+ INCREDIBLE+ '´¯) - 20
(1960/59 North/Woodland/Humble)
-:¦:- (SeXxiNeSS) .-:¦:-. (IN) -:¦: -(EVERY) -:¦:- (WaY-) :¦:-c0me AnD -- -;{{pLaY }} - 22
(Ventura, Camarillo,Thousand Oaks)
~ Oxnard ~ Out Calls Only ~ $150 for 1/2 hr. Donation Special ~ Out Calls Only ~ Oxnard ~ - 45
(Oxnard by 5 Points, Ventura)
S U P E R ..S E X Y...Young Asian/Korea College girls are HOT...Tiffany 18, Sala 19 D O N T .M I S S - 18
(Los Angeles, HollywoodStudioCityGriffithParkBurbankLA)
SNEAK-* *-A-* *-WaY-*&*- COME-* *- PLAY - 32
(Ventura, Ventura,Camarillo- Incall/outcall ;))
*~*☆: BEAUTIFUL LADIES ♔ :☆*~*. Halloween Free Time Special ~ ♔ - 21
(Memphis, Tunica and Surrounding Areas)
!! Cute & Petite Sami !! See why my regulars keep coming back for more! - 19
(Columbus, Northside Columbus)
NεW!▬▬▬💄Upscαℓε 💋 ▬▬▬💋 Jαw Dropping 💄 ▬ 💋 pεtitε αnd sweet 💄 Girℓ Nεxt Door - 21
°o°•★ B€ÅUTiFUL ★•60 $ •★ 💋 I CAn°•❤•° ShOW°•❤•° YoU💋 BETTeR❤ThAN 💋 I Can°•❤•°💋 TELl YOU - 19
(Ventura, Thousand Oaks Camarillo)
(( ★ SiMPLy AMAZiNG* ★ )) __*100% bLOndE*__ (( ★ 80 SPecIALs ★)) - - 21
(Ventura, THOUSAND OAKS simi oxnard)
~~ Ready for Some Fun ~~ 2 beautiful girls waiting to have an exciting time ~~ SPecials $$$ - 20
(1000 oaks)
⭐🌙⭐🌙Ready To Play? Naughty Mixed Beauty Only A Call Away, Available For Outcall Now! ⭐🌙⭐🌙 - 26
(San Fernando Valley, ⭐Outcalls⭐ All AREAS ⭐ Anytime⭐)
QUALITY LATINAS ========= NEW spa ==========GRAND Openig ========== - 22
(11133 s western ave los angeles, City of Long Beach, Downtown, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Ventura, Westside)
Pick ME!!! I Promise ... YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED ... Pick ME!!! Outcall Only - 23
(Ventura, Ventura and ALL surr areas)
»-★-» SEXY -:¦:- PRETTY_ FACE -:¦:- »-★-» CURVY-:¦:- »-★-» FRE@KY ** - 21
(Ventura, Thousand Oaks / Oxnard / Agora Hills/Cam)
SeXy ClaSsY uPsCaLe LaTiN wHo KnOwS hOw To SpOil a MEN In EvErY WaY - 24
(Ventura, Thousand Oaks INCALL / OUTCALLS all over)
SeXXXy ~ * ~ FuN ~ * ~ OuTGoiNg ~ * ~ BRuNeTTe ~ * ~ PLaYmAte ~ *~ ViSting - 21
(City of Santa Barbara)
👅💋👅seXXy LaTiNa ReAdY 🍒👅🍒 - 23
(Beverly Hills, beverly hills ,lax,hollywood,marina del, Los Angeles)
(((( SeXXXY ))) ((( TALL ))) ((( LONG Legged ))) ((( ALL NATURAL ))) ((( PURE THOROUGH-BRED ))) - 21
SATURDAY * 11am~9pm * Let's enjoy ourselves ! JUiCY THiCK AZZ * Smooth & Sweet * - 32
(Ventura, * PORT HUENEME * Ventura rd & Hueneme rd)
Saasssyyyy w.A Cute Assz 😘 ffunsized & petite - 21
(Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura)
sexy latina is ♡♧♡♢♤ rosa bisitando muy ♡ nay romantic open♡ hot. llamame no tex 818 269 5847 - 22
(Ventura, Oxnard)
Sexy & Sweet- Busty English Beauty will leave you relaxed & satisfied ! - 28
(Ventura, Private Residence Ventura Incall)
♥ RoUnD BoOtTy °o♥ NiCe HiPs °o♥ThicK LeGs [✔] & EbONy MiXeD[✔] - 20
(Ventura in/outcalls surr. Areas)
Read~~ To Have ~~ Some Fun ~~~ With A ~~~ Sexy German ~~~ Hottie ~~~ Call Now - 20
(Ventura, Thousand oaks, camarillo, and more..)
+=+ Pleasure is my Passion +=+ JAZMIN +=+ Pearl of Orient +=+ 310 403 6016 +=+ - 24
(Los Angeles, VENICE)
🎰🍀JACKPOT‼️🍀🎰 Drop Dead Gorgeous 💍 eXoTiC🌹EbOnY bEAutY💎 💕 w/ Immaculate SkiLLz 🎯24/7 - 30
(Fayetteville, NWA)
SERIOUs INQUIRIEs Only(Y_o_U_r )(G_O_n_N_A) °•★•° (L_O_V_E_M_E) ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃NEW BUSTY BABE IN YOUR AREA - 24
(Ventura, Thousand oaks)
Real fine girls from cr@@@igs and b--p on video. Latina@s, As1an Girls, Black Girls, White Girls - 20
(Anaheim, Beverly Hills, Downtown, Huntington Beach, Inland Empire, Irvine, L.A., Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, Pasadena, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, San Gabrie)